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We are running online ads in this riding, urging voters to vote for candidates who will fight for PR.

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Halifax is a target riding, where we can help elect a PR champion to the House of Commons.

Halifax is held by Liberal MP Andy Fillmore, who was also Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Democratic Institutions from Jan 2017 to September 2018. Halifax was held by the NDP from 1997 to 2015, when Fillmore unseated popular NDP MP Megan Leslie.

According to, this riding is an Liberal/NDP race.

Fair Vote Canada is running online ads in this riding, reminding voters that Justin Trudeau broke his promise, and urging them to support candidates who are committed to getting proportional representation back on the table. Endorsed candidates: Christine Saulnier (NDP), Jo-Ann Roberts (Green).

2015 Results – Liberals take seat held for 18 years by the NDP

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