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Fair Vote Canada Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement

Fair Vote Canada maintains that a more inclusive and representative democracy can only be achieved when we embrace the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. We extend respect and honour to all those living in Canada, a diverse land which is home to many cultures and has been stewarded by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit People since time immemorial. We believe that this respect is owed to everyone regardless of their ethnicity, race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, nationality, disability status, age, class, religion, or other facet of their identity. 

Our Commitment:

Equity: Systemic disparities and inequalities exist within our society including in the political realm. We are committed to addressing these disparities and working towards a more equitable and just democracy. We strive to eliminate barriers that prevent historically marginalized groups from fully participating in our democracy.

Diversity: We celebrate and value the diversity of our country, including its people, cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. Our diversity is a source of strength and innovation. Fair Vote Canada endeavours to ensure that our organization is reflective of the diversity of Canada and that all voices have the same opportunities to be heard.

Inclusion: Inclusion means creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, valued, and empowered to contribute. Fair Vote Canada is committed to fostering an inclusive culture where differences are not only accepted but also embraced. We actively seek out and amplify underrepresented voices and perspectives in our advocacy efforts.

Our Actions:

To translate our commitment into action, Fair Vote Canada:

  • Endeavours to ensure that our board, staff, volunteers, and partners respect and reflect the diversity of Canada.
  • Actively engages with organizations and communities that represent a wide range of voices and experiences.
  • Promotes decision-making processes that include diverse perspectives.
  • Provides training and resources to build awareness and competency around EDI issues.
  • Continuously assesses our practices and policies to identify and eliminate barriers to participation.


Achieving equity, diversity, and inclusion is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to learning, evolving, and holding ourselves accountable. We invite our supporters, partners, and fellow Canadians to join us in this endeavour to build a more inclusive and equitable democracy for all.

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