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Vancouver Granville

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We are running online ads in this riding, urging voters to vote for candidates who will fight for PR.

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Vancouver Granville is a target riding, where we can help elect a PR champion to the House of Commons.

Vancouver Granville is held by Independent MP Jody Wilson-Raybould. Raybould ran as a Liberal in 2015 and beat the NDP by a large margin.

According to, this riding is now a very tight race between Wilson-Raybould and the Liberals.

Fair Vote Canada is running online ads in this riding and delivering 5000 door hangers. Endorsed candidates: Jody Wilson-Raybould (Independent), Yvonne Hanson (NDP) and Louise Boutin (Green Party).

Extra Candidate Information

Both the NDP and Greens have a commitment to proportional representation in their campaign platforms.

During the 2015 election, Fair Vote Canada approached every candidate with a questionnaire, assessing their level of support for proportional representation. With few notable exceptions, most Liberal candidates did not respond to us, or declined to answer any of the questions, sending only a party-issued form letter in the place of anything that would hint at a personal position or commitment.

Wilson-Raybould was one of the welcome exceptions. She answered YES to this question:

Do you agree that, if your party forms government or supports a minority government, you will advocate for public consultations to amend elections laws, and following this consultation, you will support reforms to add a suitable element of proportional representation to the election of representatives to our legislative assemblies? yes/no

She gave Fair Vote Canada a personal quote to publish: “I think the House of Commons should reflect the diversity within this country.” She retweeted our poster promoting the candidate positions. And her 2015 campaign website stated:

We need to consider advancing our maturing democracy through embracing appropriate measures of electoral reform, including proportional representation and mandatory voting. Democratic reform and renewal of our institutions may not be sexy but it is incredibly important.

In May, 2017, Wilson-Raybould stood with the Liberal Party in voting no to accepting the report of the Electoral Reform Committee (159 Liberals voted no, 2 voted yes). This vote was a last ditch effort by the NDP to get a discussion of electoral reform back on the table — after Justin Trudeau had slammed the door — by asking Parliament to endorse the ERRE report. However, as a cabinet Minister, Wilson Raybould especially would have been expected to show cabinet solidarity.

In her letter to Liberal MPs just before she found out she had been removed from the caucus, Wilson-Raybould reminded her colleagues of the promise of “real change” they campaigned on, “a transformation in our political culture” — including proportional representation.

The day she announced she was running as an independent, she stated:

“I heard that we need to do politics differently. That partisanship is trumping principle. That exclusion is trumping inclusion, and that the lack of diversity of voices was simply unacceptable and there is too much power in the centre.”

“When the challenges we have to meet are collective ones, we need to respond through shared and joint efforts that use the distinct talents, ideas and expertise we all have to offer. And in this reality there is less room for overt partisanship in our evolving democracy.”

“A lot of people in our riding were very disappointed about not going forward with democratic reform.”

On September 25, 2019,  her campaign released a campaign video in which she said:

 We need smart, responsive electoral reform now, not later.

The same day, her campaign released her electoral reform policy.  Wilson-Raybould restated her support for electoral reform and proportional representation.  She called for a system “where each of our votes matter“.  There is a slightly confusing reference in her policy to “ranked ballots“.  Ranked ballots are mainly used in two different voting systems: the single-transferable-vote (a proportional system among those Fair Vote Canada supports) and the alternative vote (a winner-take-all system Fair Vote Canada opposes).  There is also reference to a plebiscite in her policy.  Fair Vote Canada opposes a plebiscite or referendum as a precondition for electoral reform.  We are calling on all candidates to support a national citizens’ assembly on electoral reform.


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