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Send your MP a holiday card about electoral reform!


With the holiday season almost upon us, we’re offering a FAST, FUN and EASY way to let your MP know about the groundbreaking results of the Angus Reid poll – and show them your support for a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform!

Here’s how it works:

a) Sign up here to have a card sent to your MP!  On the sign up form you can write a short personal message to your MP!

b) The Fair Vote Canada elves will do the work! We are using the Santa-approved Canada Post “send a greeting card” program – once you sign up, nothing else is required from you!

The first card below (Angus Reid poll result) is the default option. Unless you indicate otherwise, this is what we will send your MP. If you prefer a different image on the front of your card, the images below are available. On the sign up form you can write one of these in the text box (or leave that box blank and we will send the Angus Reid results card).


  • How we voted and what we got (pie charts)
  • Penguins
  • New Year
  • Santa and reindeer

Post-election support for proportional representation

This card with the Angus Reid November 2019 poll results is the standard card we will send to your MP unless you indicate on the sign-up form that you prefer one of the ones below.

How we voted and what we got.

2019 federal election results card.


Promoting the call for a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform — the subject of our MP lobbying efforts!

New Year 2020.

A card not referring to any religious/cultural holiday, celebrating the New Year and promoting the call for a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform!

Santa and reindeer.

Tell your MP what’s on the top of your Christmas list! (Please keep it generally related to electoral reform and the call for a National Citizens’ Assembly – of course you can mention how decision making on other issues is connected to electoral reform).

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