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We are delivering door hangers and running online ads in this riding, urging voters to vote for candidates who will fight for PR.

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We need your help to ask questions at debates, hand out flyers and encourage voters to support a PR champion.

Guelph is a target riding, where we can help elect a PR champion to the House of Commons.

Guelph is held by Liberal MP Lloyd Longfield.

Both the Greens and NDP have commtiments to proportional representation in their platforms. Read their platform commitments here.

Fair Vote Canada is delivering 10,000 door hangers and running online ads in this riding, reminding voters that Justin Trudeau broke his promise, and urging them to support candidates who are committed to getting proportional representation back on the table. Endorsed candidates: Steve Dyck (Green) and Aisha Jahangir (NDP).

More Information about the candidates and riding

Guelph has been a fairly safe federal Liberal seat for 25 years, with the Conservatives usually coming in a distant second. In 2018, the Greens won their first provincial seat in Guelph, taking the seat from the Liberals.

Steve Dyck – Green

On proportional representation, Green Party candidate Steve Dyck has been an advocate and local leader in Fair Vote Guelph for many years.

He’s organized countless well-attended events, rallies, protests, lobby days, and candidate visits in support of Fair Vote Canada’s campaign for PR. He also helped found Democracy Guelph.

Steve was also a leader in All Votes Count, a campaign promoting a version of proportional representation called Local PR, developed in conjunction with experts. They collected thousands of local signers on paper in Guelph using face to face canvassing, to encourage MP Lloyd Longfield to champion PR in the House of Commons. A few examples of Steve’s past efforts:

He continues to raise the issue frequently at debates and in media:

Aisha Jahangir – NDP 

Aisha has included the NDP’s platform commitment to PR in her statement to Guelph Today:


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