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Edmonton Strathcona

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We are running online ads in this riding, urging voters to vote for candidates who will fight for PR.

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We need your help to ask questions at debates, hand out flyers and encourage voters to support a PR champion.

Edmonton Strathcona is a target riding, where we can help elect a PR champion to the House of Commons.

Edmonton Strathcona is held by NDP MP Linda Duncan. Between 2008 and 2015, it was the only riding in Alberta not represented by a Conservative MP. Prior to Duncan’s election in 2008, the riding had gone to a party on the right (Conservative, Alliance, Reform or Progressive Conservative) since 1972.

Linda Duncan is not running again. According to, this riding is a very close race between the Conservatives and the NDP. It could be the only non-Conservative seat in Alberta if McPherson wins.

The Green Party candidate has withdrawn and is urging voters to support Heather McPherson.

Fair Vote Canada is running online ads in this riding and delivering door hangers, reminding voters that Justin Trudeau broke his promise, and urging them to support candidates who are committed to getting proportional representation back on the table. Endorsed candidates: Heather McPherson (NDP). (Note: at the time the door hangers were printed, there was a Green candidate, so the door hangers have both candidates listed).

Past Riding Results

More Information about the candidates

Both the NDP and Greens have a commitment to proportional representation in their campaign platforms.

Heather McPherson (NDP) has electoral reform as the third on the “issues” page on her website:

I was deeply impacted by the Trudeau government’s betrayal of their promise to reform our electoral system. Canada needs to replace the “first past the post” system with a much more reasonable and democratic form of proportional representation.  I feel that this was a cynical and very self-interested decision on the part of Justin Trudeau that shows he does not have the best interests of all Canadians at heart.

I support:

  • A reformed electoral system based on proportional representation, implemented as quickly as possible. 


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