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We are running online ads in this riding, urging voters to vote for candidates who will fight for PR.

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Davenport is a target riding, where we can help elect a PR champion to the House of Commons.

Davenport is held by Liberal MP Julie Dzerowicz. In 2015, Dzerowicz beat the NDP candidate – former NDP MP Andrew Cash – by only 1441 votes (2.9%).

According to, this riding is a very close race between the Liberals and the NDP.

Fair Vote Canada is running online ads in this riding, reminding voters that Justin Trudeau broke his promise, and urging them to support candidates who are committed to getting proportional representation back on the table. Endorsed candidates: Andrew Cash (NDP) and Hannah Conover-Arthurs (Green Party).

2015 Results – Liberal win by 1441 votes

More Information about the candidates and riding

Davenport was held by the Liberals from 1962 until 2011, when NDP Andrew Cash was elected. Davenport has always been a Liberal-NDP race. Aside from the NDP win in 2011, the NDP has consistently come second in Davenport, with the Conservatives a very distant third (in the range of 10-15%).

Both the NDP and Greens have a commitment to proportional representation in their campaign platforms.

On proportional representation, Andrew Cash spoke in favour twice in the House of Commons between 2011 and 2015, the first time to present a petition for PR, and the second time to reiterate the NDP’s position in favour of PR during a discussion of the “Fair Elections Act.”

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