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 National Board Elections



Would you consider taking your support for proportional representation to the next level? We need six passionate and energetic individuals to join our national Board of Directors! As a voting member of Fair Vote Canada, you can stand.

Are you good at teamwork and establishing relationships with allies? Are you interested in strategic planning? Are you 18 or older, computer-literate and able to use Google Drive and Zoom? Do you have time and energy to devote to overseeing the organization that has advocated for fair, proportional elections in Canada for more than 20 years? This is your chance to influence our direction, set priorities and build the movement. It can be very rewarding!  

Fair Vote Canada is guided by a volunteer Board of 15 Directors. Six Directors are to be elected this year: the first five elected will serve three-year terms, the sixth will serve a one-year term.

The team of Directors meets monthly via Zoom, plus once a year at the online Annual General Meeting. Board committee work (e.g. Governance, Human Resources, Finance) is a chance to contribute further, depending on your skills and interests.

This year, we are looking for folks with experience facilitating meetings and/or previous experience on a governance board. As a national Board, we’d like to have members from all provinces and territories, specifically more representation from Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada. We especially encourage people from equity-deserving groups e.g. women, Indigenous Peoples, Black Canadians, other racialized communities, people with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQIA+ as well as young adults and those of disadvantaged socio-economic background to consider participating in this election. 

Find out more about what’s expected of Board members at our online Information Session for Prospective Candidates on April 15, 2023.

Candidates may self-nominate by completing this form.

Candidates must demonstrate a willingness and commitment to support Fair Vote Canada’s purposes and proportional representation.

If the number of eligible candidates exceeds 15, candidates will be selected by the board members whose terms are not expiring, based on their skills, involvement with Fair Vote Canada, experience, and the current needs of the board.

The election will be conducted online using the Single Transferable Vote, a proportional voting system (of course!) In 2022, candidates elected to the Board all had at least 15 first preferences on the first count. Serious candidates may want to help sign up new members by March 17. All members are encouraged to participate, and to join us as well on Saturday, June 10 for our AGM (mark the date!)

Thanks for supporting proportional representation in Canada, and thanks for considering this opportunity! Feel free to forward this email to others who might fit the bill.

Important Dates:

March 17: Last date for new members to join in order to be eligible to run or to vote. To be a member, you must have donated $25 to Fair Vote Canada over the year (or $5 if you are a low income/youth/equity-seeking group) or donate at least $5 monthly. Donate here.

April 15: Online Information Session for Prospective Candidates to ask questions of current board members, at noon Eastern. Sign up here.

April 17: Deadline for nominations (candidates are self-nominated). Candidates stand for election by completing this form.

May 13: Online Q&A with Declared Candidates. Members can sign up here to attend.

May 17: Voting begins. New members who contribute by March 17 are eligible, as are all existing members in good standing as of Feb. 18. We use an easy online voting service at

May 27: Voting closes. Results announced. 

June 10: Election results are ratified by members at our Annual General Meeting (by Zoom). Details of the speakers and discussion will be posted on our website.

Valerie Brooks & Michelle Clifford, Co-chairs
on behalf of Fair Vote Canada National Board

Élections au Conseil national

Envisageriez-vous de faire passer votre soutien à la représentation proportionnelle au niveau supérieur ? Nous avons besoin de six personnes passionnées et énergiques pour se joindre à notre conseil d’administration national ! En tant que membre votant de Représentation équitable Canada, vous pouvez vous présenter.

Êtes-vous doué pour le travail d’équipe et l’établissement de relations avec des alliés ? Êtes-vous intéressé par la planification stratégique ? Avez-vous du temps et de l’énergie à consacrer à la supervision de l’organisation qui milite pour des élections justes et proportionnelles au Canada depuis plus de 20 ans ? C’est votre chance d’influencer notre orientation, de définir les priorités et de faire progresser le mouvement. Cela peut être très gratifiant !

Fair Vote Canada est dirigé par un conseil d’administration bénévole de 15 membres. Six administrateurs doivent être élus cette année : les cinq premiers élus auront un mandat de trois ans, le sixième aura un mandat d’un an.

L’équipe d’administrateurs se réunit tous les mois via Zoom, et une fois par an lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle. Le travail au sein des comités du conseil d’administration (par exemple, gouvernance, ressources humaines, finances) est une occasion de contribuer davantage, en fonction de vos compétences et de vos intérêts.

Nous encourageons tout particulièrement les femmes, les jeunes, les Noirs, les Autochtones, les personnes racialisées et les personnes défavorisées sur le plan socio-économique qui ont traditionnellement été sous-représentées ou exclues de la politique à envisager de participer à cette élection. 

Découvrez ce que l’on attend des membres du conseil d’administration lors de notre séance d’information en ligne pour les candidates et candidats potentiels le 15 avril 2023.

Les candidats peuvent présenter leur propre candidature en remplissant ce formulaire.

Les candidats doivent démontrer leur volonté et leur engagement à soutenir les objectifs de Fair Vote Canada et la représentation proportionnelle. 

Si le nombre de candidats éligibles est supérieur à 15, les candidats seront sélectionnés par les membres du conseil dont le mandat n’expire pas, en fonction de leurs compétences, de leur engagement envers Fair Vote Canada, de leur expérience et des besoins actuels du conseil.

L’élection sera menée en ligne au moyen du vote unique transférable, un système de vote proportionnel (bien sûr !). En 2022, les candidats élus au conseil d’administration avaient tous au moins 15 premières préférences au premier décompte. Les candidats sérieux voudront peut-être aider à inscrire de nouveaux membres d’ici le 17 mars. Tous les membres sont encouragés à participer, et à se joindre à nous le samedi 10 juin pour notre AGA.

Merci de soutenir la représentation proportionnelle au Canada et merci de considérer cette opportunité ! N’hésitez pas à transmettre ce courriel à d’autres personnes qui pourraient être intéressées.

Dates importantes :

17 mars: date limite d’adhésion pour les nouveaux membres afin de pouvoir se présenter ou voter. Pour être membre, vous devez avoir fait un don de 25 $ à Fair Vote Canada au cours de l’année (ou 5 $ si vous êtes un groupe de personnes à faible revenu, de jeunes ou de personnes à la recherche d’un emploi) ou donner au moins 5 $ par mois. Faites un don ici.

15 avril: Session d’information en ligne pour les candidats potentiels afin de poser des questions aux membres actuels du conseil d’administration, à midi (heure de l’Est). Inscrivez-vous ici.

17 avril: Date limite pour les nominations (les candidats se présentent d’eux-mêmes). Les candidats se présentent aux élections en remplissant ce formulaire.  (Seuls les candidats ayant fait une demande d’adhésion et ayant payé leur cotisation au plus tard le 17 mars sont éligibles).

13 mai: Questions-réponses en ligne avec les candidats déclarés. Les membres peuvent s’inscrire ici pour y participer.

17 mai:  Début du vote. Les nouveaux membres qui ont cotisé avant le 17 mars sont éligibles, ainsi que tous les membres existants en règle au 18 février. Nous utilisons un service de vote en ligne facile à utiliser sur

27 mai:  Clôture du scrutin. Les résultats sont annoncés. 

10 juin: les résultats des élections sont ratifiés par les membres lors de notre assemblée générale annuelle (par Zoom). Les détails concernant les intervenants et la discussion seront publiés sur notre site web.

Q+A Session with Board Candidates – May 13, 2023

Watch a recording of the Q+A Session with Board Candidates here or by clicking the picture below.

Note: Candidate Mike Smith’s closing statement video was not played due to technical difficulties. You can watch it here.

Candidate Statements

Laura Callaghan

Municipality and province of residence

Toronto, Ontario

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

I’m thrilled to run for the Board of Directors of Fair Vote Canada because I’m passionate about democratic reform and fair representation. As a longtime supporter of proportional representation (I won the 2003 University of Toronto Diefenbaker Essay Prize for a paper I wrote on PR), I believe every vote should count and that our electoral system should be more inclusive and responsive to the diverse needs of our communities. With over 10 years of experience in people management, nonprofit leadership, financial oversight, community engagement, advocacy, and government relations, I am eager to devote my skills to advancing FVC’s goals through collaborative and effective leadership. By serving on the Board, I ultimately hope to help build a more just and equitable democracy for all Canadians.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

I have long respected FVC’s work, and in September 2020 I attended a FVC Virtual Volunteer Rendezvous. Since then, I have participated in several FVC social media campaigns and submitted questions for FVC’s September 2022 Reddit AMA.

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

I have 6 years of experience in financial supervision, revenue forecasting, budget development, and compliance, and I’ll leverage these skills to ensure robust financial oversight and accountability for FVC. I’ve supported the development of 3 strategic plans for different nonprofits, and I’ll use this experience to drive inclusive strategic planning at FVC. I’d also like to use my 7 years experience in communications, copywriting, and graphic design to help build FVC’s public standing.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

I believe the key underpinning strategies that will enable FVC to achieve its other strategic priorities are growing FVC’s supporter base and building public support for non-partisan Citizen’s Assemblies. By raising public awareness of the need for electoral reform and Citizens Assemblies, FVC can cause a tipping point of public demand for change that will drive media attention and put pressure on politicians to act. This will enable FVC to then successfully promote specific political campaigns.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I lead a team of staff as Manager of Government & Foundations at (since 2018). I also led a team of copywriters for UOSSM (2016-17), and managed ~40 diverse volunteers as Logistics Director at NJTT (2015-18). At, I facilitate meetings daily with staff, funders, and government partners (since 2018). I’ve also received in-depth training and experience in active listening, trauma-informed communication, and cultural competency as a volunteer counsellor at TRCC/MWAR (since 2018).

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I have experience delivering presentations, webinars, and workshops to large audiences through my work with since 2018, and Laval University in 2022. In my roles with, NJTT, and UOSSM since 2015, I have composed press releases, conducted outreach with journalists, and coordinated public announcements with Federal and Provincial MPs. I’ve also generated media coverage of organizational events by coordinating interviews and composing press invitations and media packages.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).


Nasser Chalifoux

Municipality and province of residence


Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

The reason for why I am seeking election to the FVC’s national Board is that I do realize the gross injustices in our democracy and want to do my part to help spread awareness that change is possible. I would like to learn more about PR and strategize practical applications that may fit within our democracy in Canada.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

As a former Green party candidate in the riding of Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River, I can enhance the organization’s public standing with the community. High level strategic planning is another area that I may help in, as I am the leader of the Reconciliation party of Canada. A left -wing party with proportional representation at the top of the agenda.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

Influencing politicians or political parties in Canada to incorporate PR into election platforms.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I started as a musician(punk) in Edmonton, with stage experience. As a candidate in the 2021 federal election, I gained experience with public speaking and I am currently engaging with people politically on social media platforms.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).

Indigenous Person.

Philip Hawkins

Municipality and province of residence

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

I have been a member/subscriber to Fair Vote Canada for many years as I concluded that it was an organisation mostly likely to succeed in its aim of Proportional Representation.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

Whilst running for the Ontario Green Party in Toronto I was the Greens contact person with FVC. And as such attended their regular meetings. I was chosen by the Greens to speak at FVC pre-election meetings in Oakville, ON.

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

I was a senior Project Manager at a large computer company in Toronto, also Quality Manager for a large software development organisation. After that I was an independent Consultant in the UK, Canada and Europe. Before that I was Chief Executive of The Hunger Project in Canada, and spoke to a global audience the nature and importance of the work in Geneva, London, New York, Tokyo. I was also the President of the Nova Scotia Greens, on an interim basis.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

I have studied your on-line documentation, though I may not have found precisely the 3 year strategic plan. From my experience as a project manager, my impression is that the goals – and actions – could be enunciated more clearly, and be results rather than activity oriented. Though you have me at a disadvantage, as I have to complete this form today and send it in by tomorrow. Plus I fly to Germany on Friday for a vacation with my son and family.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

In pretty well all my work experience these skills have been vital. from being a Line Manager, Project Manager, Quality Manager, President of the NS Greens, Process Consultant, THP Canada Executive. I think I have honed these skills over the last 20 years, within corporations and as a consultant. I base my work in most of these areas through the work of Dr Edwards Deming. While he was concerned with manufacturing, I have adapted his ideas to suit non-manufacturing situations. I could go on.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

Within a large corporation there is always the opportunity, even need, for public speaking. At least speaking to large groups of people. Running for the Green Party is a singular opportunity for public speaking, I spoke to many groups within the Hunger Project, as I mentioned in several parts of the world. I have to admit that I know very little about media relations, and there must be nuances in the term “public speaking”.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).


Steve Hindle

Municipality and province of residence

Russell Township, Ontario

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

While I have very little grass roots involvement with FVC I do have skills and experience which are useful and I would like to continue to share those with the organization and other members of the Board. I believe that having proportional representation in Parliament and our provincial legislatures will provide all Canadians with better and more thoughtful legislation and government policy.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

I served on the FVC Board (2021-2022) and am currently a Board member. I co-chaired the Annual General Meeting in 2022 and the subsequent Special General Meeting later that year. I have also served on the Governance Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee.

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

I will contribute by sharing my experiences accumulated over thirty plus years serving as a Board member on other not-for-profit Boards including nine years as the President and Chair of a national organization providing representation to 60,000 members spread across Canada. In that capacity I dealt with federal and provincial Cabinet ministers and numerous senior officials in various public services.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

I believe that our best hope of achieving Proportional Representation is through a strong, preferably binding, recommendation from a Citizens’ Assembly. I also believe that we are most likely to have a Citizens’ Assembly by enlisting support from government and opposition members of legislatures across Canada. Both of these will be supported by continuing the education of the public and decision makers about the strengths and weakness of Proportional Representation versus First Past The Post.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

As the President of a national union I was called upon to Chair/facilitate numerous internal meetings as well as meetings with the leaders of other national unions. Those meetings were well-run and delivered decisions on many sensitive topics. Building consensus amongst large groups with diverse opinions and perspectives required strong facilitation skills and helped to hone my ability to navigate through conflicts.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

As the spokesperson for a national organization (union), I have extensive experience dealing with local, regional, and national media outlets including national tv and radio networks and reporters for newspapers. I have also had a few opportunity to deal with the BBC, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).


Patrick Martin

Municipality and province of residence

St. John’s, NL

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

I have been involved with politics in the 70s because of my father. I have been involved with election campaigns, knocked on doors and provided marketing/advertising and other support for politicians running for office. I got more involved with politics in the early 90s over the tactics of Chretien and Martin against students where I was part of rallies and national campaigns. I did several courses in university about political history and theory with my second degree in Philosophy. I realized then that Canada’s current electoral system was unsuitable and that another system would be better. Ever since, I have been involved with dozens of non-profits and on boards and committees and organizations. I hope that I can make a bigger difference as part of this board.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

My contributions have been limited since I have gotten involved with a couple of Zoom meetings and email discussions. There are many reasons for that and I would like to change that since my children have gotten older.

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

I have been on over 2 dozen boards and committees in all areas over 25 years mentioned here, although I primarily specialize in marketing, design, strategic planning, governance and support. I have connections at each level of government, plus the different organizations that I have been a part of. I believe I can contribute in each of these areas mentioned above and more.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

Continuing to grow the supporter base through greater awareness campaigns and engagement strategies. And focus more on Quebec. Least important is democratic reform since it is a complex issue that too many Canadians will not understand.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I have run my own small business for nearly 25 years that at one point employed nearly 20 people in a number of different fields. Meeting facilitation, team-building and conflict resolution were large parts of the company. Adding in my executive roles on dozens of non-profits and mentoring dozens of companies, this experience was well-honed.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

While I have significant experience with public speaking either as training with clients, presenting to large boards, giving talks at universities or teaching, I have done more media relations since my company deals with marketing/advertising for companies.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).

Person with a disability

Cassandra Martino

Municipality and province of residence


Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

I have written in support of proportional representation through my undergraduate degree. It was a cause I felt incredibly strong about. I have helped canvass and campaign for parties who have supported proportional representation in the past. I also finally have a few years of non-profit board experience to bring to this role. I am a lawyer, a professional, and a voter.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)


FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

With my education and legal background I believe I will be able to support upholding the legal and ethical integrity of FVC. I have experience in hiring and onboarding new employees from my time as Head of Operations when I was in management with a law firm in Ontario. I am often involved in strategic planning as a lawyer with complex files and a heavy caseload.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

1. A citizen assembly. I believe the referendum process is not working. 2. Broadening the base of FVC. I believe not enough people understand the work being done and the lack of power behind their individual vote. 3. Organizational development. Without being involved currently, I know from my time in operations just how much freeing up the critical thinkers and visionaries can propel a cause forward.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I am often engaged in alternative dispute resolution with my clients. I engage often in negotiations and attempt to settle prior to attending court. I have taken numerous files through mediation and completion of a settlement agreement.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I have taught the LSAT to classrooms of students, I have presented for the Ontario Bar on social media use in Estate practices, I have argued in court.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).

I am an LGBTQ+ identifying woman with a disability (OCD/Celiac Disease).

Alan Parish

Municipality and province of residence

Edmonton, Alberta

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

Democracies need to be healthy in order to survive. Canada’s democracy has flaws which if not corrected will jeopardize its future. Fair Vote must meet these challenges.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

Monthly donor. Helped with data entry. Flew to Vancouver to canvass for BCs PR vote.

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

I am a member of the Civil Society team at Edmonton Public Library, and have been involved in various constituency associations, and was a board member of the New Democratic Youth of Alberta several years ago.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

Building support for citizen assemblies is very important. We need to stop thinking of democracy as a thing people “do” once every 4 years. Capitalizing on opportunities for ER is probably the least important. It’s not a winning issue for parties. If a party wins, it did so with FPTP and they will have bigger priorities.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I have sat on event planning committees for volunteer, charitable and political organizations. Sometimes as the lead, others as a member. I have lots of experience working in environments with lots of different ideas how best to do things.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

Lots of public speaking, at charitable or academic or library events. Limited media relations, but have dealt with messaging to journalists when required.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).

Young adult, I’m 33, not sure if that’s considered a “young adult” anymore.

Eric Perrin

Municipality and province of residence

Newmarket, Ontario

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

The current electoral system both federally and provincially needs to change. Many of the political problems that we experience are due to the structure of the current voting system. This includes distortion of election results, policy lurch, adversarial politics, and voter disenfranchisement. I believe that I can make a significant impact in helping FVC move towards its goal of ensuring that the percentage of seats in the legislature reflects the percentage of people who voted for that party. Achieving this goal will provide better policies for Canadians and a more collaborative working environment where it is implemented that will reduce the extreme partisanship that is increasing today and which has the potential of dramatically changing our society for the worse.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

I worked successfully with a team that solicited our Liberal MP to vote ‘yes’ at the liberal party convention in May to establish a non-partisan National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform and to jointly second Mike Morrice’s private member’s motion for a citizens’ assembly on electoral reform.

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

I have worked in sales and marketing during my career and have experience in working in a team environment as well as managing and evaluating a team of employees. I understand how private enterprise works and can use this knowledge in executing the board member responsibilities.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

Most Impt – 1) Build Public Support – Without this, political parties will ignore us. 2) Build political support for CAs – Must get CA that will lead to ER, but ensure that CA is not used by political parties as a stalling tactic 3) Continue to grow supporter base – Need largest active group possible advocating for CA and ER to get noticed by public and politicians — Least Impt – Org Development – FVC is well organized now. Let’s spend time on issues that move the goal forward.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I worked in IT with sales and delivery teams during my career. This involved leading technical resources and internal delivery systems (hardware, application development, application support). I also worked on sales strategies that could be sold to client executive management. This was done with specific goals and timeframes that needed to be achieved.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

As part of sales, I did many sales presentations either one-on-one or to groups.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).


Tara Shushtarian

Municipality and province of residence

Burnaby, BC

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

Being a member of the Board for two years i have grown to understand and appreciate the work of FVC more deeply. I have enjoyed participating in many aspects of governance, being able to participate in the float note vote, recruitment, strategic planning and HR committees. I have honed my skills grown in making good consensus based decisions that i want to employ further. I am standing for re-election to materialize a good strategic plan. Now that there are more in person events , become a good ambassador and representative for PR and reach a wider diaspora. With the traction a citizen’s assembly is gaining in parliament, i am looking forward to working to see this motion come to fruition. I am also keen to further develop the concept of JEDI within the organization.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

I have organised two meetings with my MP and my riding members for the PROC motion on a CA in 2021 as well as just recently for a private Bill on a motion for a CA in 2023. I have also been involved with 3 townhalls meetings with the membership. Board recruitment, ED, board evaluations .

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

I bring years of experience in relationship building. and that has held me in good stead in negotiating and participating well in most committees that i am a part of on our FVC board. As i am involved in many climate organizations , i am always pushing for better electoral and policy changes like vote16 within my community in BC not as a spokesperson (which is the ED) but an Ambassador for the organization. I have a reputation for saying a minority government is only 2nd best to PR.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

1) Improving upon the private members’s bill to have a unanimous consensus for a CA amongst different political parties as it is likely to be less partisan than asking for electoral reform. 2) Promote CA amongst general public as easier to promote as a consensus building mechanism than a referendum. 3) Be flexible enough to include vote 16 into the mandate so people see progress on democracy processes. Come back to electoral reform in provinces where there has been a set back.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

Small meeting facilitation in the environment committees I am on. Just mc’d for a webinar. Team building with the municipal Greens .Was in charge of liasioning with environmental , NGO groups.etc. Conflict resolution is a part of being on so many different organizations. Recently there was someone who threatened to resign and there were one to one conversations to try and resolve the matter. Sometimes when there are different viewpoints and strong personalities, resignation is inevitable.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

As part of sales, I did many sales presentations either one-on-one or to groups.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).

Woman, Visible minority.

Michael Smith

Municipality and province of residence

Montreal-West, Quebec

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

This is a cause I am actually passionate about. I am politically aware yet very frustrated as an individual voter that my votes don’t matter as much in a first past the post riding. I’ve always been in a Liberal riding, it never changes, yet as an individual I see elements of issues and leanings in all the major parties. I wish vote reform could happen, as it was promised when the current Liberals came to power. Same interest in provincial elections.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

I have no prior experience with your organization. It may actually be a plus, as I have served on non-profits before, I can come in with some fresh perspective.

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

Generally I act as a sounding board with my eclectic background. So I would feel at ease with high level strategic planning. I do have a B.Comm so not shy with numbers. I finished the equivalent of the ICD.D but in the French system (ASC/C.Dir). I am a practicing lawyer, I serve on a research ethics board. Generally I do have contacts with political parties via my wife at various levels of government. I am bilingual (Fr/Eng). I contacts in voting software & public policy related areas.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

I think we are in an interesting point in a political cycle. This is a prime window where a governing party federally has been in power, perhaps too long, so parties are looking to build out thier competing platforms. Working with those politicians at the federal level has the highest impact and reach right now. At the same time, the traction in Quebec and Ontario is going well enough that the efforts shouldn’t stop. I would consider smaller province efforts too. Perhaps less resistant.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I negotiate for a living as an attorney, so conflict resolution and alignment is daily. I haven’t lost a deal because I am adept at bringing opposing parties together to a middle ground. Sometimes it involves out of the box thinking. I have worked at corporations in support of building up teams. I have run and managed several large scale projects with various perspectives and needs.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I am not a public figure and somewhat enjoy not being a spokesperson. I would much rather within organizations, sometimes speaking to larger groups where the media is not involved. Candidly, this is not a polished skill. My career started in marketing and PR, I am strong at crafting messaging, press releases and other written communications from a past life.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).

I am religiously part of a minority. Also half Arab origins so I do have some features of that group, some qualify that as a minority, others don’t.

Serge Villemure

Municipality and province of residence

Gatineau, Quebec

Do you understand what proportional representation is and commit to supporting the purposes of Fair Vote Canada (FVC)?


Please summarize your reason(s) for seeking election to FVC’s national Board (max 800 characters).

I would like to learn and work with other dedicated individuals on how we can change the current electoral system towards a system that is fairer and more respectful of all voters. My interest to get involved became stronger when I started to educate myself about how political systems work in various countries and when I realized the lack of efforts made to educate the population about what their votes mean. I found out about the existence of FVC from a friend who is involved as a member and his briefings and communications really sparked my interest. The most recent election in Quebec really put in perspective how serious the issue is with the electoral system. This only increased my motivation to get involved.

Please list past contributions to FVC, including any activities with FVC chapters, FVC working groups, and the FVC Board (max 300 characters)

None. This is likely the most serious weakness of my application. Nevertheless, a position on the Board of Directors will be a great way to learn, even though the learning curve may be steep.

FVC’s Board is a governance board tasked with oversight of the organization. The basic roles and responsibilities of the board are:

· High-level strategic planning
· Provide proper financial oversight
· Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
· Recruit & orient new board members, and assess board performance
· Enhance the organization’s public standing with various communities
· Support the Executive Director and assess her performance

How do you see yourself contributing to these tasks? What skills, connections, experience, resources, and/or expertise do you have that would help you with this? (max 500 characters)

I held managerial and executive positions for over 25 years at NSERC, a federal agency responsible for supporting university-based research. I developed knowledge and expertise that cover the roles and responsibilities of a board member. I worked with selection committees and boards constituted of volunteers from the research community. I sat on management committees and was involved in government relations. I was the equity, diversity and inclusion lead for the agency from 2013 to 2019.

Which strategies from FVC’s 3 year strategic plan do you feel are most important or urgent? Which do you feel are least important or urgent? Please explain your answers with as much detail as possible. (max 500 characters)

The promotion of citizen assemblies is very important. It is focused and it encompasses the limits of other means, like referendums. The benefits of CA may not be well understood generally but it has great potential for change. I also like the emphasis put on Quebec, Ontario and BC to build momentum for all provinces. About growing the supporter base and build public support, the plan could make more mentions of being “evidence-based”. The section of the web site on this topic is useful though.

If applicable, please describe your experience in meeting facilitation, team-building, and/or conflict resolution. Please explain where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I have been a manager and executive where I had to chair meetings internally (at NSERC) and externally in various settings. A significant portion of my career was focused on the management of volunteer committees and boards. I have also participated as member and chair of multi-organizational committees, such as the Steering Committee of the 2017 Gender Summit held in Montreal. Both for volunteer committees and my own teams, team building and conflict resolution efforts had to be put in place.

If applicable, please describe your experience with public speaking and/or media relations, including where and when you gained this experience (max 500 characters).

I have done many presentations on my organization’s programs and policies to the academic community across the country. I made presentations to volunteer committees and have led workshops on equity, diversity and inclusion at universities and scientific society meetings. I have sat on panels at conferences and workshops, either as a member of my organization or as an EDI advocate, nationally and internationally. In the context of the Gender Summit 2017 I had to take the lead in relations with the media. In other contexts, such role was occasional. I did received training in media relations.

As members of FVC’s board are spread across the country, all of our work is done collaboratively online using Google Shared Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Zoom. Do you have experience with these tools?


Can you commit to spending 10-20 hours per month on Board duties: preparing for and participating actively in monthly Board meetings (1.5 hours each, held weekday evenings or weekends), attending committee meetings, and working in shared Google documents?


Do you commit to informing yourself about Fair Vote Canada’s policies and positions using the package that will be provided to all candidates? Estimated time: approximately 4 hours.


Fair Vote Canada seeks to ensure the diversity of Canada is represented on our Board, so we are asking members of equity-deserving groups if they wish to self identify. Please indicate if you wish to self-identify as one of the following groups. (Note: If you wish to keep the group that you self-identify with private to the Board only, please send an email with this information to [email protected] and it will not be posted publicly).


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