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Misinformation Clouds Debate on Electoral Reform

National Newswatch has published an Op Ed penned by Ryan Campbell, a former member of FVC’s national council and active member of the Liberal Party of Canada and Kelly Carmichael is the Executive Director of Fair Vote Canada. They argue that for healthy debate to occur on the subjet of electoral reform, it needs to be based on PR models that are under active consideration.

Written in response to Douglas Judson’s column “Why does Mulcair’s NDP think less democracy is more democratic?” published by National Newswatch on July 17, 2015, the arguments made apply more generally to much of what is said by opponents of PR.

A former Liberal staffer, Douglas Judson concludes that “Canadians deserve a more particularized discussion of any bid to retool their most basic, legitimizing interface with government machinery.” We all agree.  Unfortunately the article itself only detracts from this goal by providing factually incorrect claims that only obfuscate and cloud the debate on electoral reform.

You can read Ryan’s and Kelly’s response here.

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